Eyewitness Photo: Interpretive Photography

BreakingModern — Photography is fascinating, just like painting, sculpture, videography and other arts. And, with the smartphones we carry around all day, creating that art is always possible. The key to the fascination of art, though, is always in its interpretation. How is the subject viewed? What is the artist’s perspective of the world? I enjoy photography not only for the style and beauty, but also its interpretive aspects. Let’s look at today’s Eyewitness Photo from EJ Mallorca.

HTC One M7 EJ Mallorca eyewitness photo

Using his HTC One M7 smartphone and VSCO Cam HB1 filter, Mallorca captured this interesting photograph he titles “Lonely Grass.” Let’s look at a few things. First, the framing. Notice how Mallorca stands with his feet aligned with the inlay of bricks on the walking path. His feet create a “V,” but the colors in the brick and concrete shape another V behind the more-obvious one. Meanwhile the focal point of the photo is neither his feet nor the brick, but the little bit of grass. It sprouts forlornly through the cracks of the walkway surface. The grass is definitely out of place and well … lonely. Excellent interpretive shot, Mallorca. Nicely done.

Mallorca has an Instagram page with a lot more great photography. Be sure to follow him if you like this piece.

What photos have you captured on your HTC smartphone? Have something you like? Email it to me via [email protected], or tag me on Twitter and Google+. I just may feature your shot in the daily Eyewitness Photo column. Be sure to mention your HTC smartphone model and any camera apps or mobile photo editing apps used.

Eyewitness photo logoFor BMod, I’m

Featured/Header image: EJ Mallorca

Disclaimer: HTC and aNewDomain Media co-produce this site, and its editors and writers are paid accordingly.

Ant Pruitt

Author: Ant Pruitt

Based in Charlotte, NC, Ant Pruitt covers photography and smartphone cameras for BreakingModern. Follow him @ant_pruitt on Twitter.

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